> I am writing my thesis at the moment and I need to
> have the Abstract, Title page, Lists of Tables and
> Figures, etc to be unnumbered. That is I need the
> numbering to start at chapter one and have the first
> pages numbered i,ii,iii,iv etc. How do I do this?

Put (in ERT):

where you want to start with the roman numbering (e.g. right before the toc), 


where you want to start the arabic numbering. If you use

...stuff on your titlepage...

the titlepage has no page number. I don't know if this works for all document 
classes, though. I use report (koma-script) for my thesis.

> Also what is a good bibtex style that doesnt display
> titles of the references and is unsorted?

There should be something like unsrt.bst, but you can also create your own 
bibtex style with latex makebst.

Good luck!


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