Hello list,

Here is a behavior that I have seen ever since I installed lyx for the first 
time a few months ago, version 1.3.2 but it did not really bother me. But now 
it's starting to get on my nerves so here it is.

I am working in version 1.3.3  RH9 qt.

Sometimes, when I select text in lyx, like for example I select a couple of 
lines to make them bold or italic or something, something strange happens and 
I seem to lose contact with the red hat task bar at the bottom of the screen. 
For example if I am running xmms but it's minimized then there is a little 
xmms button at the bottom. Problem is that if I click on that button to 
maximize xmms it takes like 5 minutes for that to happen. It eventually 
happens, but after quite a while. Then, after it opens (which it does all of 
a sudden), I can do anything INSIDE the window, like change the volume, add 
songs, whatever, and it responds just fine. No delay. Then I minimize it 
again, and it does it right away. If I try to remaximize it it takes 5 
minutes again. 
Same with like a konsole or any other program, like kmail or mozilla or gftp. 
If it's minimized it takes 5 minutes to maximize it, then, I can work inside 
of it without a problem, and minimize it without a problem. During the dead 
time it seems to access the hard disk every couple of seconds or so, so it's 
not like it's busy working on something like updating the rpm database or 

If I want to open the start menu, again it takes 5 minutes.

But if I move the mouse over the desktop it does turn into a little pointing 
hand when I hover over files or folders. 

So it seems that this bug is very specific to a certain part of the graphical 
interface, the task bar.

This does not happen EVERY time I select text in lyx, but it ONLY happens when 
I have selected some text, and done like copy paste, or just changed the font 
type or something.

Before, this used to happen for like a couple of minutes and then all the 
stuff I had clicked on would happen all at once. But this time I lost an hour 
and a half a cause de ces conneries.

Oh, also, during the time it's "quasi-frozen" the clock on the task bar is not 
updated at all, so I can see exactly when it froze, and how much time I 

If anybody has ever seen this kind of behavior before, or if anybody has any 
clue what this is all about, I would appreciate a helping hand. This is 
exactly the kind of stuff I do not expect to see happening in Linux.


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