On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 01:49:26PM +0000, Paul Smith wrote:
> >>I may change from MS Windows to Linux... My only hesitation is that I 
> >>have some Win32 applications that I often need to use.
> >
> >
> >which one?
> Maple, for instance. I know that there is a Maple version for Linux, but 
> my university does not buy it.

That's a pretty poor reason, isn't it?

Btw: Aren't the Linux and Windows versions of Maple shipped on the same
CD? So it might be just a formality changing the Windows license into a
Linux license.

> I have heard that some versions of Linux can run MS Windows 
> applications. I have to check this information.

Google for 'wine' and/or 'vmware'. 

Maple is the kind of application that should work under wine, but as I
only have the native version, I can't check.

The real solution for your problem obviously would be to use a native
Linux version of Maple...


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