Dear lyx-users,

seminar.cls has a bug that prevents proper working with the "a4paper"
option. (Option "a4" works).

The bug prevents use of seminar as doctype from LyX together with the
geometry package and a4 option, as LyX inserts:


and subsequentely, LaTeX reports an "! Undefined control sequence." error

I wonder, whether the prosper package built on seminar is affected too...

As seminar.cls is no longer maintained by the author, fixing it upstream
is nontrivial. I filed a bug to the the Debian maintainer of tetex-extra
Frank Küster and got a prompt response inclusive improved patch:

--- tetex-base-2.0.2/texmf/tex/latex/seminar/seminar.cls.orig   Wed Dec 10
+14:58:57 2003
+++ tetex-base-2.0.2/texmf/tex/latex/seminar/seminar.cls        Wed Dec 10
+15:03:13 2003
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
   \paperheight 297mm
   \slidewidth 222mm
   \slideheight 152mm\relax}
+\DeclareOption{a4paper}{\csname [EMAIL PROTECTED]


G.Milde at

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