Thanks for the reply Herbert.     To answer your
> this is done by the installtion and it is saved in
> /texmf/pdftex/config

I found pdftex.cfg.   It is there under  
> > %> pdflatex temppdffile.pdf
> what is this? Are you running pdflatex on a pdf
> file???
Perhaps I've revealed my ignorance there and running
pdflatex on the .pdf did not make sense.    I wasn't
really sure what I was doing, but since
\usepackage{pdfpages} wasn't working for me from
within LyX, I decided to try pdfnup on the command

When I ran the pdfnup script on my .pdf, it also
failed.   When I checked the log file generated, I saw
that it failed at the step pdflatex.   So (not really
comprehending everything that was going on in pdfnup
script) I decided to run pdflatex on my .pdf file to
see what would happen from the command line.    Like I
said, maybe that makes no sense, but that was my
thinking there.

This is what pdfnup gives me....
pdf_nup> ./pdfnup temppdffile.pdf 
This is pdfnup version 0.8
Temporary LaTeX file for this job is
Calling pdflatex...
Failed: output file not written

And this is the .log file from this conversion 

This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159-1.10b (Web2C 7.4.5)
(format=pdflatex 2003.4.10)  15 JAN 2004 15:26
Error: pdflatex (file pdftex.cfg): cannot open config
 ==> Fatal error occurred, the output PDF file is not

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