On Thu, 2004-02-12 at 12:37, Helge Hafting wrote:
> >>I haven't gotten this to work myself, but this is supposed to work by 
> >>marking the stuff you don't want checked and changing it to some other
> >>language than the language used in your document.
> >>This doesn't work with ispell, but is supposed to work with aspell.
> > 
> This is under layout->character, not paragraph.  Because a paragraph
> may contain words in several different languages.
Doh! Of course it is. I tried it with ispell and aspell neither of which
works. I don't have pspell installed (gnome-spell is installed which is
a pspell variant but is not recognised by LyX) and therefore I haven't
tested it.

> > 
> > Sounds good. What is it?
> See http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/listings/listings.pdf
> It is a latex package that gives you pretty listings, either from 
> source code files or from source code embedded in the document.
> There are lots of examples in that pdf.
> > 
Aha even better. I can see myself making even prettier documents and
less time actually doing anything ;-)



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