Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2004 02:54:44 +0100
From: Markus Amersdorfer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Jean-Pierre.Chretien" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: PDF-exports: hyperref & pdflatex


>>> If you want tu use pdflatex (because you have a lot of 
>>> bitmap graphics, e.g.), the perl script tex2pdf ...
>>This script is great!
>>It creates hyperref'ed PDFs in the correct size (and offers even more).
>>Many thanks for this link!
>>> Known problems may come from (La)TeX instructions in title/author
>>> fields - which may be prevented with the config file - and hazards
>>> in epstopdf translations (90 degrees rotations e.g.) - this
>>> depends upon the quality of the eps files, see a recent thread
>>> about this subject. 
>>Being too excited about tex2pdf, I've already sent a mail to
>>tex2pdf-devel(-at-) before realizing the last part of
>>your message.
>>I DO have the problem of a 90° rotated graphic. It is sometimes possible
>>to have it included correctly by setting the "missing" value to complete
>>a 360° rotation. Though, this doesn't always work (and I can't figure
>>out how why this isn't deterministic).
>>Could you point me to the thread on the list, please? (I've searched
>>through the list but really can't find it...)
>>I've tried to "epstopdf" the file manually (with the intent of including
>>the .pdf directly), but this already produces a rotated output.

I meant a thread on the lyx-users list, not on the tex2pdf-devel one, e.g.[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg29234.html
not so recent after all.
Is the lyx archive complete ? I thought of this one, which I'm
not able to find and to cite instead of re-posting, sorry.

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Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2004 18:57:32 +0100 (MET)
From: "Jean-Pierre.Chretien" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: eps figures in pdflatex

>>From: Angus Leeming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: RE: eps figures in pdflatex
>>Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2004 17:11:50 +0000
>>Paul A. Rubin wrote:
>>> Curious.  In Edit | Preferences | Converters, what program is being
>>> used to
>>> convert EPS to PDF (probably either convert or epstopdf)?  I find
>>> that convert works on my system (give or take some scaling issues)
>>> but epstopdf fails.
>>I have found that a wrapper script that first cleans up your eps file 
>>using eps2eps (epstoeps?) and then invokes epstopdf with the 
>>cleaned-up file works beautifully.


>>What I find perverse is that both scripts are part of the same 
>>ghostscript distribution, yet epstopdf is so much more fragile than 

The CompatibilityLevel option of gs may helt to make it more robust.

I found even a case where eps2eps failed
and importing and rexporting in xfig (which can be easily
included in a wrapper calling fig2dev on a template fig file)
was the only way out to get the BoundingBox changes work.

Forget convert to manage eps, AFAIU it will produce bitmap eps,
which is bad but for pictures.


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