Hi everyone,

Please note that I'm not subscribed to the list so please CC me replies if there are any.

The purpose of this script would be to create a summary of the GNU/Linux tools summary, ie. an alphabetical list with the name and then 1line (or 2line) descriptions of each command, a user could then go to the relevant section about that command....
The document is obviously setup so this can happen

Does anyone know of a simple way to copy/move the description style with the LyX file?

I've being working on a script that will go through the LyX file, take out each area which is of type Description and store it somewhere. (Its a little more complicated then this, see below).

It will then sort all the descriptions and output a file with them in alphabetical order.

Does anyone know an easy way to do this? I've currently being creating a script in Python to do this but its quite buggy and I've still got a lot of work to do on it....

The rough description is:
Find each of type description in the LyX file, copy the information from that point until we reach a point where their is:
a) increase of depth (embedded).
b) another thing of type description.
c) a different type of layout.
Of course the document has notes,footnotes,index listings to make this job more complicated.

Once this information is stored somewhere then it is sorted and outputted to a new file which can be based into a LyX document and will just work (currently it needs about things fixed before it works).

Currently the scripts get some of it right, I'm just double checking that no one has done this before....

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