Am Don, 2004-03-11 um 06.08 schrieb Alex Casti:
> My system:    Lyx 1.3.4, QT front end, Redhat 9 Linux
> For some reason that I can't quite figure out, when I open the math panel
> it always wants to sit in the foreground in front of the lyx document 
> window.
> When I click the lyx document lying behind it, the document window doesn't
> come to the foreground as with other GUIs -- the math panel always remains
> in front.  I find this rather annoying.  I can't seem to find anything 
> in the preferences
> to control this feature.  Is there anything I can do about it?

As I figured out it rather has to do with the windowmanager than with
lyx itself, I had the same problem with wm metacity on redhat 9, too.
But when I changed the windowmanager by typing

killall metacity; sawfish

it worked just fine. Problem is that T haven't found out how to set
sawfish as default wm, so I had to do this everytime I wanted to use
mathed in lyx.

Lately I've changed to suse8.2, here I use the double-click on the top
of the window to minimize, and simply activating by touching (not
clicking) with the mouse. These are settings in the windowmanager, but I
don`t know how it's done anywhere else but suse.

hope this helps,



> Much thanks for the help.

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