On Thu, Mar 25, 2004 at 09:04:15AM +0000, Lux wrote:
> Hello again.  Have to duplicate report text
> in tabular form in the same report.  How can
> one embed a text duplication in a table that
> gets updated automatically when one changes
> the original text?  AFAIK people sometimes
> refer to this as live embedding.

I could imagine two ways:

a) if there is a big amount of text to be in 2 forms, put it in an extra
   lyx-file and include (with input) this file at the relavant places.
b) for text snippets (this is the LaTeX standard method for often used
   parts of text or symbols or the like):

   Define a latex command, say
     ERT:                             \newcommand{\livetext}{
     Standard (or whatever Style):    Live text to appear in both
                                      plaintext and table
     ERT:                             }              % don't forget this
   Now you can insert the new command (with ERT) any time you want and it
   will be replaced by its content


G.Milde at web.de

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