On Thu, 25 Mar 2004, Angus Leeming wrote:

> One other thing: you're using the same C++ compiler to compile lyx as
> was used to compile the qt libs I hope? Else you're on a hiding to
> nothing.


  The qt-3.3.1 libraries came as a rpm. If I could have found a lyx-1.3.4
.src.rpm that I could rebuild here I would have done so. All I found were
RH9 and FC1 rpms. So, I went the tarball route.

  I presume, however, that gcc-3.2.2 was used to build the qt rpms.

  There's nothing wrong with the lyx-1.3.3 I'm using, unless either of the
two features I'd like are in 1.3.4. And, I do have the newer version on my
notebook and my yet-to-be-put-into-production workstation.



Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)

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