I have three files that I'd like to concatenate within lyx.  Two of the
files were originally tex files and the third is a file written entirely
in lyx.

Somehow I was able to import and convert the tex files to lyx files.
They are named front.lyx and thanks.lyx.   The third file is called
body.lyx, and I would like front and thanks to go at the top of body.

I have tried using the GUI in lyx to include the files using the input
and include methods, both of which fail. I've tried inserting the lyx
file, which does not work.  I have also tried using an ERT box to input
the files, which also fails.

Finally, just to make sure I did not have problems with the front and
thanks files, I created a new lyx file and placed in it an ERT box that


...and that worked perfectly.   So...I also tried saving that file and
including it at the top of the body.lyx file, but again got several
errors regarding missing or improper use of the curly brackets.

I read the recent message about trying to save the document as a
template, but I couldn't exactly figure out how to make that work in my
case.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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