> My problem is:
> The optinal arguments to "institute" and "date" don't get displayed in
> the footer of my slides when I process the pdf.
> My file is the template that comes with the package:
> beamerpresentation.lyx
> The optional Arguments for title and author get displayed.
> Any hint?

If you want another layout, you have to change the beamertheme.
You can start with the theme-file 'beamerthemeshadow.sty', which is used in 'beamerpresentation.lyx' (see the preamble). You can edit the layout of the footer in the \usefoottemplate section. When you look in the file, cou can see, that only \insertshortauthor and \insertshorttitle is used to print out the author and title. But you can add \insertshortintitute to print the institute. The other \insert- commands are explained in the beameruserguide, chap. 9.4 (in this case chap. 9.4.9).

regards Uwe

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