Am Samstag, 29. Mai 2004 00:16 schrieb Jim Ragsdale:
> I am trying to get psfrag to insert a greek symbol in my eps figure. I 
> the eps in xfig and the included text says "10 G1m". I would like to 
> the G1 with a greek mu.
> I added \usepackage{psfrag} to the preamble. Then in the figure float in 
> right before the graphic, i added "\psfrag{G1}{$\mu$}"  in ERT. When I
> preview in ps nothing happens. Can anyone tell me the proper way to add
> greek symbols using psfrag?

You can only replace the whole string, e.g. you should use

\psfrag{10 G1m}{$10\mu m$}

BTW, if you want to see the replacement in lyx you can do

\psfrag{10 G1m}{

in ERT, then write the replacement in normal text or math, and then


in ERT again. Since this looks like "10 micrometer" you could also have a 
look at the siunits package.


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