Saulo Soares wrote:

> Dear Lyx Users
> I tried to install lyx 1.2.2 in my Red Hat Linux 8
> and the bug deleted my /dev/null !!
> Please I need some help in reconstructing my Linux.
> Thanks in advance.
> Saulo Soares

Hello, Saulo.

Why did you try and install such an old version of lyx? It was released on
17 December, 2002. We're currently at version 1.3.4, which does *not* have
this bug.

The problem you describe is indeed a nasty, nasty one. We released lyx
1.2.3 as soon as we discovered it. See here
for the announcement of the problem and how to restore /dev/null

To save you some bother following the links, below is the message
explaining how to repair the damage.

Best wishes,

-----------------------------------------------------------------[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg24135.html

    * From: Andre Poenitz
    * Subject: Re: HELP!
    * Date: Wed, 08 Jan 2003 08:41:27 -0800 

On Wed, Jan 08, 2003 at 02:02:19PM +0200, Gordon Wells wrote:
> I don't wan't to re-install my computer a third time.

There is a bad bug in the configure scripts in lyx 1.2.2
which deletes /dev/null when run as root.

As a workaround, run configure as ordinary user.

To recreate /dev/null,  boot from floppy, mount the partition containing
/dev (probably the root partition) and use something similar to

  mknod -m a+rw  /mounted/partion/dev/null c 1 3

There is no need to re-install anything, though...


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