On Sunday 04 July 2004 03:44 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The current support for the Memoir class within LyX is extremely limited.

I'm currently writing my novel not in LyX while utilizing the Memoir class 
just writing straight LaTeX and the Kile LaTeX Editor for KDE.

You need to download the Memoir package from CTAN and do the following:

Either sudo or su - :

1. Change to the local texmf directory where you can store your add-on latex 
packages not officially part of one of the distributions.


Platform: Debian Linux

Local Path: /usr/local/share/texmf/tex/latex 

Memoir Path : /usr/local/share/texmf/tex/latex/memoir

Read the README instructions Mr. Wilson provides for Memoir.  Once those 
options are done than change directory to the top of your local tex 

Path: /usr/local/share/texmf

Run texhash and let it regenerate the ls-R listing.

Run vi/vim/pico/less/more or whatever editor you want to view the contents of 
ls-R and verify that memoir and its directory have been added to your 

Running LyX's Reconfigure will make it aware of the ls-R changes.

Here is the Crux:  LyX doesn't have full support for the Memoir Package--it's 
quite extensive.

Solution:  Either except utilizing the ERT command to fill in LaTeX commands 
explicitly which don't always work for Memoir or run Kile or another 
TeX/LaTeX editor using Memoir.

I find Kile quite excellent and the 1.7a1 I'm running great.  I'm hoping LyX 
1.4 or possibly 1.5 will have full Memoir support but until than I use Kile 
when working with Memoir.


P.S. If you need more questions asked I'll be more than happy wherever I can 
help.  Oh and read the Memoir PDF documentation along with the Companion 
because it will help clarify much.  The TUG Indian Group's tutorials are an 
excellent source of information as well.

> Howdy --
> I searched and read the list archive, and didn't find the answer to the
> missing memoir class?
> Details:
> Slackware Linux-9.0
> La(Tex) installed under: /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex
> Memoir Class files (*.cls,etc) under latex/base (no memoir subdirecty).
> (Re)ran "texhash", but no memoir files showed up in ls-R file?
> (Re)ran lyx configuration script, and memoir class = yes
> Yet memior class still isn't showing up as document type "drop down list".
> If I  edit my *.lyx document by hand and change \textclass {book} to
> \textclass {memoir), restart Lyx(1.3.3) all the memior text properities
> appear in the the drop downlist?
> Any ideas,
> David

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