like many others before, I would likt to change the () parethesis into [] in my citation-refereces in the document. On my Suse 9.0-system runs LYX 1.3.2 using the natbib-package. I tryed to modify natbib.conf, but there was no effect at all. I tryed add some \renewcommand to the preamble --nothing. When I tryed the \usepackage{cite} there appered so many error-messages, that I finally gave up.
Sorry, but I am not a LINUX-pro yet. Also sorry for my english, my french is much better (and my german too, of course) .

bye, Jakob.

Jakob Witten
Brandenburgische Str. 23
10707 Berlin

Tel.: 0049/(0)30/88682569
mobil: 0049/(0)173/6326639

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