
Sorry about the delay. Thank you for your very helpful response to my
long list of  newbie LyX questions.


Angus Leeming wrote:
> Bruce Pourciau wrote:
> > Since I have been using (more like exploring so far) LyX for only a few
> > weeks, almost surely some or all of my questions have been asked and
> > answered before. For that I apologize. Also, sad to say, the amount of
> > TeX I know at this point is nearly the null set, so an answer which
> > involves TeX either must be detailed enough for me to act on it or must
> > tell me where to go to find such details. Thanks to the list in advance
> > for whatever help you can provide. FYI I'm running LyX 1.3.4 aqua on a
> > Mac OS 10.3 (courtesy of Ronald Florence and Gerben Wierda's teTeX).
> > Sorry about the number of questions.
> >
> > (1) My version of LyX remembers only 3 or 4 recently opened files. Is
> > there a way to configure LyX so it remembers a greater number of
> > recently opened files?
> Edit->Preferences dialog.
> Look and Feel->User interface pane.
> Maximum last files counter.
> > (2) After I choose the number of rows and columns for a table I wish to
> > insert, how do I fix its dimensions (its width and height in inches, for
> > example)? If I control-click on the inserted table, the table dialog
> > comes up which allows me to choose the width of a given column. So
> > clearly I can fix the dimensions of the table by doing this column by
> > column, but there should be a more efficient way.
> I don't believe that that is the TeX way. That said, there are countless
> tables packages out there. One of them may well do what you want, but
> you'll have to use ERT (the raw latex inset, a.k.a. Evil Red Text) to use
> it.
> > (3) What is the best way to handle equations with multiple equal signs
> > which you want to appear with the equal signs aligned underneath each
> > other?
> Insert->Math->Display equation
> a = b Cntl-Enter
> The cursor will move to between the 'a' and the '='. Move it to the end of
> the equation (after the 'b' but still in the math editor) and hit
> 'Cntl-Enter' again.
> Bingo, three little blue boxes appear. Use the middle one for your '='.
> Alternatively, use Insert->Math->Eqnarray or Insert->Math->AMS align.
> In fact, try out all the different equation types. Get to know 'em.
> > (4) The layouts folder in my LyX package contains a great number of
> > layouts. But most of these layouts (document classes) say "unavailable"
> > in the document layout dialog. I've been told to go get the layouts at
> > ctan, but the layouts folder already seems to contain more layouts than
> > I could want. How do I make more of these document classes available to
> > LyX?
> You are suffering from a common misunderstanding. 'Layout' files are used
> by LyX to control the appearence of the document on the screen. By and
> large, the typesetting is quite simple. Latex, however, is an enormously
> sophisticated typesetting engine. The layout of your document on the
> printed page is controlled by latex. In turn, latex uses the .sty files to
> be found at CTAN. It's these that you need to grab if you're going to
> produce printed output for a particular LyX layout.
> > (5) In the article and AMS article document classes, the LyX quote and
> > quotation environments place a long quotation in a indented block. What
> > if I want these environments to set that block in a type size 1 point
> > reduced from whatever the body type size is. How would I make such a
> > change? And what if I wanted to call the new class "My Article Class,"
> > say, and keep the old class with its original name?
> This is getting more complicated ;-)
> Copy article.layout to $HOME/.lyx/layouts/my_article.layout and edit it to
> suit. I'm sure that someone cleverer than me will step in here and tell
> you how to modify the appearence of the quote environments.
> Alternatively, go search the 'Tips & Tricks' page to be found at
> (it's in the menubar).
> --
> Angus

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