dear mailing-list users, i have a big problem with lyx and i hope that there is an easy solution for it. as you know one can create an "index" in lyx. is there a possibility to create an "symbolverzeichnis" or an "namesverzeichnis", so that they are listed in my "table of contens"? i would be satisfied if i could label pages, so that i could refer to a page number.. . or is there possibility to "rename" index and put it in your "table of contents.."? thank you for any answer..
tanja ... -- +++ GMX DSL Premiumtarife 3 Monate gratis* + WLAN-Router 0,- EUR* +++ Clevere DSL-Nutzer wechseln jetzt zu GMX: -- +++ GMX DSL Premiumtarife 3 Monate gratis* + WLAN-Router 0,- EUR* +++ Clevere DSL-Nutzer wechseln jetzt zu GMX: