On Fri, Oct 22, 2004 at 11:07:56AM +0200, Nicolas Ferré wrote:
> Hi,
> A little wish about math. There are two ways for entering math: open a 
> math environment and type in it or write a latex formula, select it and 
> convert it in math using C-m for instance.
> But the last needs to explicitely write the $ around the latex formula. 
> If the $ are forgotten, lyx converts the formula to text even if there 
> is a math symbol (beginning with \) in the formula.
> Could it be possible to automatically add the $ around the latex formula 
> when transforming it in math and a \ is detected in it ?
> I know the backslash is rather common in latex ;-) but we can assume 
> that each time a latex formula must be converted in math, all latex 
> symbols in the formula are math symbols.
> But maybe I miss a good reason for always needing the $ ?

  Because that is the proper way to do it. ;-)
  What you can do is define a new bind that places the $'s for you there.
Not as difficult as it can be done for 1.3.5. :-)

> -- 
>  Dr. Nicolas Ferre'
>  Laboratoire de Chimie Theorique et de Modelisation Moleculaire
>  UMR 6517 - CNRS Universite' de Provence
>  Case 521 - Faculte' de Saint-Jerome
>  Av. Esc. Normandie Niemen
>  13397 MARSEILLE Cedex 20 (FRANCE)
>  Tel : (+33)              Fax : (+33)
>  Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.
>  See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.html

José Abílio Matos
LyX and docbook a perfect match. :-)

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