Jason L W Lynn wrote:

> I'm having a problem with my pdflatex generation of my lyx document.
> Any URLs that do not contain spaces (and are rather long) are not line
> wrapping at the right margin.  In fact, they are printing straight off
> of the page.  The URL name is usually the exact same as the URL (so that
> printed copies show the URL as well).  Does anyone know how to correct
> this problem?  Has anyone seen this before?  I'd rather not go through
> the entire document and insert forced line feeds before every link that
> runs outside of the margins.

Install the url package
(ftp://cam.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/misc/url.sty). The urls
should break automatically afterwards.
I don't know what is wrong if you have installed it already. You can find
out wether LyX did recognize the url package in Help->LaTeX-Configuration.


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