Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:
 Charles de Miramon wrote:

What are the main differences between teTeX and TeXLive ? Is TeXLive just
more uptodate ?

Basically: (much) more packages.

this is not really true. Compare the number of packages for _one_ platform, e.g. for the teTeX one.

teTeX contains a selection of packages which are considered important by its maintainer (but you can certainly always get the missing packages from ctan).

this is not a question of important or not, but a question of the copyright. And not all packages have a correct copyright.

TeXLive contains all packages that are available on ctan.

TeX Live has the packages whithout restrictions in the copyright. But not _all_ ... Only the CTAN disks, distributed by DANTE, are a real snapshot.

So TeXLive is much bigger (unpacked, it does not even fit on a CD).

the next DVD contains also the proTeXt from the UNI Hagen, which is important for beginenrs, installs a complete Windows environment (MiKTeX,TeXniccenter)

It is not more uptodate in any case. That depends on which distribution is more recent.

that's the point.


-- http://TeXnik.de/ http://PSTricks.de/ ftp://ftp.dante.de/tex-archive/info/math/voss/Voss-Mathmode.pdf http://www.dante.de/faq/de-tex-faq/ http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?introduction=yes

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