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Hi all,

Please take a look at the LyX Quickstart page at 
http://www.troubleshooters.com/lpm/200210/200210.htm, and if appropriate, 
include it in the "English sites" section of your "Internet Resources" page 
at http://www.lyx.org/internet/.

The LyX Quickstart page is a tutorial that walks through LyX's key points, 
starting with a "Hello World" document, writing a letter, installation, 
documentation resources, book writing, table of contents, graphics and 
tables, and cross references.

It discusses creating a layout, starting with simple layouts and proceding to 
fairly complex environment creation.

All the preceding are available on other Internet pages, but the LyX 
Quickstart page contains material to aid in LyX and LaTeX understanding for 
the publishing newbie. The "Understanding LyX Through Contrasts" section 
helps the reader know where LaTeX ends and LyX starts, as well as discussing 
Fine Tuning vs. Consistency, Graphical Layout Specification vs. Numeric 
Layout Specification, Word Processors vs. Content Authoring Tools, Using 
Styles vs. Creating Styles, Default vs Created Styles, Character Styles vs. 
Paragraph Styles, LyX the Language vs. LyX the Front End, and LyX Code vs. 
LaTeX Code.

The LyX Quickstart also has an entire section devoted to LyX Code vs. LaTeX 
Code, and another section Learning by Reverse Engineering -- a technique that 
until now was used only by advanced LyX users.



Steve Litt
   * Universal Troubleshooting Process courseware
   * Troubleshooting Techniques of the Successful Technologist
   * Rapid Learning: Secret Weapon of the Successful Technologist
   * Troubleshooters.Com
   * http://www.troubleshooters.com
Web-team mailing list

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