On Monday 13 December 2004 17:30, Bo Peng wrote:
> Dear List,
> I am a long time lyx user but totally new to sgml. I am writting a
> user's manual and decide to use sgml for its better style. I encountered
> several problems:
> 1. For whatever text in code and verbatim environment, I see [[CDATA etc
>    in ps/pdf/html output. The tex file exported looks like:
>      \begin{verbatim}
>      <![CDATA[>>> print a=5
>      ]]>
>      \end{verbatim}
>    and the lyx code is (I am using include but plan text has the same
>    problem)
>      \begin_inset Include \verbatiminput*{b.txt}
>       preview false
>       \end_inset

  That is a bug. Could you send me a small file showing this?

> 2. no mathematical formula. For a displayed formula \sin \alpha^2, the
>    generated latex code is
>      {$<$}{[}CDATA{[}$\backslash$sin$\backslash$alpha\^{}$\{$2$\}$
>       sin
>        alpha  2

  It is a tricky subject. We are trying to get it right in 1.4.

> 3. My understanding (I could not find any lyx sgml manual) is that SGML
>    environment is for plain sgml code. However, when I input
>    <author>someone else</author> in SGML enviroment, I get
>      &lt;author&gt;someone else&lt;/author&gt;
>    in sgml export.

  For that you need ERT. The SGML layout will go out in 1.4.

> 4. I would like to use a batch file to generate ps/pdf/html files but
>    could not figure out what exactly the commands to use. What are the
>    routes of lyx to generate files?
>    lyx->(sgml?)->tex->dvi->ps
>    lyx->sgml->tex->pdf
>    lyx->sgml->pdf?
>    lyx->tex->html
>    lyx->sgml->html?

  That all depends if you are using linuxdoc or docbook. They are different 
and they have different toolchains.

> 5. I am using a SGML article style with standard title/date/author etc
>    and I can at least get some output. When I use docbook SGML style, I
>    get a bunch of error messages like
>    % Using catalogs: /etc/sgml/sgml-docbook-4.1-1.0-17.cat
>    Using stylesheet:
>    /usr/share/sgml/docbook/utils-0.6.12/docbook-utils.dsl#print
>    Working on: /tmp/lyx_tmpdir5097uuHXpm/lyx_tmpbuf1/userGuide.sgml
>    jade:/tmp/lyx_tmpdir5097uuHXpm/lyx_tmpbuf1/userGuide.sgml:13:0:E:
>    character data is not allowed here
>    jade:/tmp/lyx_tmpdir5097uuHXpm/lyx_tmpbuf1/userGuide.sgml:14:10:E:
>    end tag for"AUTHOR" which is not finished
>    I have no idea at all what is going on.

  That means that the exported document is badly formed.

> I am using a standard redhat 9 box with the following apt-get'ed
> packages
> lyx-1.3.5
> linuxdoc-tools-0.9.20-8
> openjade-1.3.1-12
> sgml-common-0.6.3-14
> jadetex-3.12-9
> docbook-style-dsssl-1.76-8
> docbook-utils-0.6.12-5
> ... what else?

  That is fair.

> lyx reconfigure says:
> +checking for linuxdoc class linuxdoc...  yes
> ...
> +checking for docbook  class docbook-book...  yes
> +checking for docbook  class docbook-chapter...  yes
> +checking for docbook  class docbook-section...  yes
> +checking for docbook  class docbook...  yes
> Many thanks in advance.

José Abílio

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