> What version is found?  Have you renamed the old
> version packaged with Lyx?

With regard to my sed error.   It seems it was my
fault.   I had assumed that after renaming sed.exe to
oldsed.exe, that one should then copy the new sed.exe
into the lyx/bin directory to replace it!    

I actually did renamed sed.exe to oldsed.exe, but then
I figured that the next thing to do would be to take
the sed.exe from the newly loaded version of GNUSED
and place it in the directory where the old sed.exe
was.   That was where I was getting hung.

I didn't see anywhere in the instructions there where
it said to "download a more recent version of SED AND
to add it into the PATH," although that might be
assumed obvious, it was not on the first go around to

So now it looks like configure finds sed.exe OK now
but there is an error for a missing file
I seem to recall there was a post about where to find
these....If anyone knows please post it.  


Files\ATI Technologies\ATI Co
ntrol Panel;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL
Server\80\Tools\Binn\;C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Visual Studio\Common\Tools;C:\Program Files\Microsof
t Visual Studio\Common\Tools\WINNT;C:\Program
Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98
\BIN;C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual
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+Inspection done.
+Read the file doc/LaTeXConfig.lyx for more
creating textclass.lst
creating packages.lst
creating doc/LaTeXConfig.lyx
c:\GnuSED\bin\sed.exe: can't read
C:/lyx/share/lyx/doc/LaTeXConfig.lyx.in: No su
ch file or directory
creating lyxrc.defaults
checking for an FIG -> EPS/PPM converter... (fig2dev)
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checking [for msbm10]... yes (pfb)
checking [for wasy10]... yes (pfb)
The system cannot find the path specified.
        1 file(s) copied.

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