On Sun, Jan 02, 2005 at 11:01:52AM +0530, Subir Singh Lamba wrote:
>  Hi,
>   While writing a documents in lyx I am facing a strange problem of space
>  between the text and the mathematical equations. At some places the
>  space is more than normal. I have removed all the spaces after and before
>  the "math dsiplay". The "space" use to be the source of abnormal space
>  between the text and equations but not in this case.
Are you talking about horizontal spacing, similar to the spacing between
words, or vertival spacing such as the spacing between paragraphs?

Latex tries hard to fit whole undivided paragraphs on the pages, and will
stretch or compress vertical spacing in order to achieve this.  This means
that the spacing between paragraphs of text, the spacing between headings and
text, and the spacing above or below display math may vary a good deal.  The 
alternative is substantially worse: small paragraphs split across pages, 
a single line ending a paragraph on the next page, or a heading at the very 
end of a page.

Helge Hafting

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