>>>>> "Matej" == Matej Cepl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hello Matej,

Matej> Hi, I have occasionally guy (Bruce D'Arcus from
Matej> bibliographic.openoffice.org) some of my thoughts about LyX and
Matej> generally about writing and I thought that you may be
Matej> interested as well (it is slightly edited -- I do not need to
Matej> explain to you what LyX is). Just to be sure, I really do not
Matej> want to ignite flame war, I have been using LyX for more than
Matej> five years and all my work is dependent on it. However, I have
Matej> just some fears about its future, which I would love to have
Matej> answered.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I'll try to answer to some of your

Matej> While working with LyX I have unfortunately met some of its
Matej> limitations and I am getting more and more frustrated, because
Matej> I feel that there is actually so little what I really want (see
Matej> below) missing.

Matej> 1) Although there is a pretty good crowd of LyX users, there is
Matej> too small pool of actual developers (BTW, I am not the one of
Matej> them either, because I just cannot spend a time to learn C++
Matej> and code in it) -- just some six of them in fact AFAIK. 

That's sadly true.

Matej> 2) So although LyX probably cannot be considered dead yet, its
Matej> development is even slower than global warming and there are
Matej> many issues from small to big which are just not addressed.

I never thought of LyX as 'dead', but it may be that I cannot face the
truth :) I agree though that things are not going very well currently

Matej> Moreover, the program is in the state of perpetual rewrite and
Matej> for couple of years users have been calmed down by saying, that
Matej> when this cycle of complete rewrite will be finished
Matej> programmers of the code will address our wishes and concerns. I
Matej> guess most of users gave up on hoping that their concerns will
Matej> be ever addressed, as I did. I am not saying that these
Matej> rewrites are not necessary, I have really no clue about
Matej> underlying programming, but I just do not feel that my concerns
Matej> are addressed at all and LyX is IMHO becoming to be
Matej> "programmers' project" rather than "users' project", if you
Matej> know what I mean. 

I think there is some truth in the fact that LyX tends to be a
"programmers' project". For our defense, I would say that the rewrites
we have to do are also to blame for the period when it was a "users'
project" in a bad way, which meant that it had no real foundation to
build on.

Also, we have a growing interest for the native OSX and Windows
versions, and I hope this is going to help attract other people to

Matej> 3) Moreover, one of the projects which was silently dropped and
Matej> will be addressed probably sometimes around the time orange
Matej> farms move from Florida to Boston (or from Spain to my native
Matej> Czechia) is support for scripting of LyX. 


Matej> So users like myself cannot address themselves some small
Matej> issues in the program itself -- for example, LyX doesn't have
Matej> Transpose Characters function (Ctrl-T in Emacs) and there is no
Matej> way how to emulate that. Kind of WYHIWYH (What You Have Is What
Matej> You Have -- and that's it). 

char-transpose has been available since 1.2.0, I think. Of course,
this does not mean the problem is not real.

Actually, I would interested to know what your other pet peeves wrt
LyX are, besides the fact that it does not do scripting and you are
afraid it may not be there in a few years.

I think the situation with the file format is not too bad now that we
have lyx2lyx, which can translate backwards and forwards from any
version to another. From what I read, DocBook support will be much
improved in 1.4.0 (I do not use that so I cannot really comment). And
the new tex2lyx program will really improve on LaTeX importation. Of
course these last two point are for when we manage to release 1.4.0,
and this release has proven hard to get through the gates.

I will deliberately avoid to mention features that are now only on the
roadmap, since they are just vapour now.

Actually, I would be interested to know what your other griefs with
LyX are. I know there are a lot of problems, but you mention only a
few that are relevant to LyX in your message.


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