Paul A. Rubin wrote:

> Regarding the error when trying to preview formulas ("Could not fork:
> Exec format error"), I noticed that the copy of the 1.3.5 port I just
> downloaded from Sourceforge lacks the script in the
> scripts directory.  I copied the script from 1.3.3, but the error
> persists.  In fact, I tweaked the script to echo a comment at the
> beginning, and it never got even that far, so apparently the script was
> never executed.  Don't know if any of that will help pin down the error.

Doesn't 1.3.5 use the python script It was, after all,
written especially so that the Windows world might have a hope in hell in
getting it to work.

I'd expect your lyxrc.defaults to contain:
\converter lyxpreview ppm "" ""


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