LyX 1.3.5 Mac OS 10.3.7

When trying to load a postscript graphic, my graphic insert says
"Error converting to loadable format"

and my console spits out the following:

No converter from "lyxpreview" format has been defined.
Unrecoverable error: rangecheck in get
Operand stack:
hrsyr.gsf 0
Unrecoverable error: rangecheck in get
Operand stack:
hrsyr.gsf 0
convert: Postscript delegate failed.
/Applications/ ERROR
Execution of "convert" failed.

I AM ABLE to use .ps graphics on my Mac laptop running LyX 1.3.4. I have checked the Preferences dialogues on the two computers to make sure the Converters appear identical and they do appear identical.

1. Try running "convert" on your graphic from Terminal.
2. What program are you using to generate your ps file? If it has an embedded tiff/jpg preview then Latex will not be able to use it.
3. I have also run into a problem on my Mac with a graphics program that was using a font that Latex did not like.

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