On Friday 21 January 2005 13:15, Marcelo AcuÃfffff1a wrote:
> I have Suse Linux 9.1 and selected Spanish keyboard.
> In all soft accents work fine.
> I compiled Lyx 1.3.5.
> I selected Edit > Preferences > Lang Opts > Language and selected
> Default Language = Spanish,
> I check keyboard map and then choose espanol.kmap,
> then click Apply button,

  What if you don't use a keyboard map?

  I write in Portuguese those same accents without any need for a special 

> but accents no work, acute plus vocals (ÃÃÃÃÃÂÂAÃÃÃÃ) = unknow 
> function.
> Tilde plus n (Ã) work fine.

> In others applications like Kwrite, Open Office, all work good.
> What happens ?
> thanks
> Marcelo AcuÃa
> Argentina

Josà AbÃlio

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