A symbolic link is the UNIX equivalent of the alias in the Finder. (Unfortunately, the UNIX part of OSX can't properly handle Finder aliases.)

To do what you want open the terminal application and type the following commands:

cd /usr/local/bin

sudo ln -s /Library/PreferencePanes/Spelling.prefPane/Contents/MacOS/cocoAspell aspell

Note the second command requires you to have administrator privileges, and you will be asked to enter your password. This should create a symbolic link file called aspell in the /usr/local/bin directory that points back to the cocoAspell file.

To make sure you have done this correctly, from the /usr/local/bin directory, type:

ls -la | more

In the output that follows, look for the line for aspell, if it is configured correctly, the line should contain:

aspell -> /Library/PreferencePanes/Spelling.prefPane/Contents/MacOS/cocoAspell

Then, go into LyX preferences and specify aspell as the spell checker.

This should do it.


On Jan 23, 2005, at 11:27 PM, James Bennett wrote:


I'm just a beginner trying to set up LyX on my Mac (OS 10.3.7), which I
recently downloaded from the wiki.lyx site.

The problem is that I can't figure out how to make cocoAspell (the
recommended spellchecker) work with LyX. The instruction on the wiki.lyx
site is to "make a symbolic link from
/Library/PreferencePanes/Spelling.prefPane/Contents/MacOS/cocoAspell to

I'm not sure how to do this, or if it's even possible - any pointers?

James Bennett

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