Paul Smith wrote:
On Thu, 27 Jan 2005 09:23:48 -0500, Michael Wojcik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Presumably, the fix would be to create the missing symlink:

       su root ln -s /usr/lib/

but I haven't tried this myself.

Thanks, Michael, but, apparently, it does not solve the problem, as after

su root ln -s /usr/lib/

the configure command gives the following:

  Host type:                      i686-pc-linux-gnu
  Special build flags:            use-pspell
  C   Compiler:                   gcc
  C   Compiler flags:             -g -O2
  C++ Compiler:                   g++ (3.4.1)
  C++ Compiler flags:             -O
  Linker flags:
  Frontend:                       qt
    Qt version:                   3.3.3
  LyX binary dir:                 /usr/local/bin
  LyX files dir:                  /usr/local/share/lyx

and, as it can be confirmed above, no mention to Aiksaurus.

My understanding of one of Jean-Marc's comments in this thread was that he only just now fixed the configure script to note that Aiksaurus had been found during configuration.

I'd check config.log to see if you had errors regarding bzip2. It may be that creating the symbolic link wasn't sufficient; you might need a bzip2 development package (probably called bzip2-devel or some such) in order to get required headers and so forth.

At any rate, I should have been clearer: what I meant by "the fix" was "the fix for -lbz2 failing". Whether that would permit the LyX configure to decide it could include Aiksaurus support I couldn't guess without further research.

I haven't looked at configuring for Aiksaurus, or indeed configuing the LyX build at all; at the moment I'm only using it on Windows. (That was the easiest platform for me to try it out with initially, and so far it's working fine, so I haven't bothered putting it on Linux yet.) And I'm not a big fan of the computerized thesaurus (or its evil cousin the spelling-checker) anyway, to be honest, so it's unlikely that I'd have pursued this for my own purposes.

Michael Wojcik

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