Georg Baum wrote:

There are no relyx programmers (anymore). It is good that you found out that the input to lyx2lyx and therefroe relyx and not lyx2lyx was wrong. However, it does not make much sense (IMO) to try to fix bugs in relyx unless you are really fluent in perl and can do that in a couple of minutes.
IMO the time would be better spent in preparing ready-to-install packages of tex2lyx and testing tex2lyx.

Standalone tex2lyx (before lyx 1.4) would be great, because I've been told it works in all the cases where relyx fails. (And I learned that relyx is obsolete/unmaintained.) I'm aware there are tradeoffs between working on the complete 1.4 release and working on the separation of tex2lyx from lyx 1.4, and I have no clue about the work involved. But I don't expect lyx 1.4 coming soon, so IMveryHO as an end-user having tex2lyx sooner rather than later would be very useful.

(Again: only developers can judge if it's worth the effort, this is just to express my (and maybe others'?) preferences.)


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