Sorry.  I guess my printer must be Postscript-aware.  The only settings I 
changed are "Printer name:" and "Spool prefix:".  I kept the default value for 
the "Printer command:" setting, which is "dvips", and am able to print 
documents from LyX just fine.  

Again, mainly I'm interested in knowing the following things.

1. What's the "best" way to configure LyX for printing, or failing that, what 
are some "good" ways?

2. What do the settings "Adapt Output", "To printer:", and "Spool command:" 

3. Is it possible to get to the driver-specific Print Options dialog box from 
within LyX while printing (probably not, and no big deal if that's the case)?

Thanks again!

-----Original Message-----
From: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Paul A. Rubin
Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2005 12:14 PM
Subject: Re: network printing on Windows from LyX


> Hello,
> What's the best way to configure printing in LyX on Windows?  
> I installed the very nice Win32 LyX port from 
> on a Windows 2000 machine.  With a 
> little configuration, viewing the various outputs (DVI, PDF, etc.) works 
> well.  Also, exporting to DVI, PDF, Postscript, etc. works well.  Applying 
> liberal guesswork, I have LyX configured to print to a printer on the 
> network, but I have no idea if it's an optimal configuration.
> So far, all I did was, in Edit-->Preferences-->Outputs-->Printer:
> 1. Set "Printer name:" to my network printer share, "\\foobar\printer1"
> 2. Set "Spool prefix:" to use the Windows command-line printing function, 
> "print /D:"
> When I choose File-->Print in LyX, I get LyX's basic print dialog box.  
> That's ok--I don't mind--because it has pretty much all the print options I'd 
> want.
> However, most other print dialog boxes in Windows applications have some way 
> to bring up the print settings dialog box to access/change specific 
> printer/driver options right before printing.  Any way to achieve this in LyX?
> Also, have I configured printing correctly?
> In the LyX Preferences dialog box, what do these options mean?
> "Adapt output"
> "To printer:"
> "Spool command:"
> I looked for more info in the LyX "Customization.lyx" document, but details 
> on printing preferences were sparse.
> Thanks!
> Cheers,
> David Ventimiglia

You did not mention whether the printer is Postscript-aware.  By 
default, Edit->Preferences->Outputs->Printer has the printer command set 
to dvips, which will produce Postscript output.  If your printer does 
not handle Postscript, you'll need to change the command, and I'm not 
sure what to use.  There used to be Laserjet (PCL) converters for DVI 
files, but I think they've gone obsolete.  (I just print from the DVI 
viewer, which is the path of least resistance.)

-- Paul

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