On Mon, 14 Feb 2005 21:33:35 +0100, Herbert Voss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > (1) can we have a tag for the above, so that we can see within LyX
> > that it is a proof?
> yes, with this definition -> see png
> # Proof style definition
> Style Proof
>    Margin                Static
>    LatexType             Environment
>    LatexName             proof
>    NextNoIndent          1
>    LeftMargin            MMM
>    RightMargin           MMM
>    TopSep                0.5
>    ParSep                0.5
>    BottomSep             0.5
>    Align                 Block
>    AlignPossible         Block, Left, Right, Center
>    LabelType             Static
>    LabelString           "Proof: "
>    EndLabelType          Filled_Box
>    Font
>      Shape               Up
>      Size                Normal
>    EndFont
>    LabelFont
>      Series              Bold
>    EndFont
>    Preamble
> \usepackage[thmmarks]{ntheorem}
> \theoremheaderfont{\itshape\bfseries}
> \theorembodyfont{\normalfont}
> \theoremstyle{nonumberplain}
> \theoremsymbol{\rule{1ex}{1ex}}
> \newtheorem{proof}{Proof}
>    Endpreamble
> End


After each proof, the first paragraph is not indented as it should.
Any idea to get back the indentation by default?



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