On Tue, Feb 22, 2005 at 08:38:20AM +0530, samar j. singh wrote:
> Eric Fraga wrote
> > I have a related question that maybe you can help with. I often find I was
> > to manipulate slightly the inter-item spacing for bibliography entries
> > generated by the "BibTeX Generated References" LyX directive.
> Unfortunately,
> > any reference to itemsep before or after this gray box has no effect and
> the
> > only way I can get things the way I want them is to edit the latex (well,
> > the bibtex generated) code itself.  Is there any way to pass options to
> the
> > LyX bibtex generation entry?
> >
> I  think you may need to look at Section 13.8 of Goosen's The Latex
> Companion
> which has stuff about making small changes in a bibtex style file.
> Good luck

I have no problem modifying bibtex style (bst) files; my query is about
interacting with LyX gray boxes (such as the bibtex reference one or the
table of contents one).  I don't want to change the bibtex style in any
case; in this case all I want to do is insert a '\itemsep=0pt' line after
the begin bibliography command and before the first bibitem command.


 Eric S Fraga, Dept Chemical Engineering, UCL, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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