
It is meant to use the abbreviated versions of journal titles but lyx seems to use the full names.

THe files is apsrev.bst

Any ideas how to force the shortened versions of these things?

You can define your own macro bib file for these. Have a look at the one I use attached. The strings items anyway.
You then need to add this to the bibtex generated box BEFORE your other .bib files.

Rob S



R D Saunders Hydraulic Research Group Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of Southampton UK

@PREAMBLE{ "\newcommand{\noopsort}[1]{} "
        # "\newcommand{\singleletter}[1]{#1} " }

@STRING( jhe = "Journal of Hydraulic Engineering" )
@STRING( jhr = "Journal of Hydraulic Research" )
@STRING( ce = "Coastal Engineering" )
@STRING( asce = "American Society of Civil Engineers" )
@STRING( jsp = "Journal of Sediment Petrology" )
@STRING( mg = "Marine Geology" )
@STRING( jfm = "Journal of Fluid Mechanics" )

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