inside a document with portait orientation as global option, is it possible to insert a figure (or a table) in the landscape format without rotating it ? So, I would like to have, inside my pdf export, the figure's page with a landscape orientation, and the other pages with portrait orientation, i.e. I would like to insert a landscape page in a document with portrait orientation !

I have tried with rotating and landscape packages but, apparently, these
packages are only designed to rotate landscape figures for display them in a
document with portrait orientation ?

I have stumbled upon this "solution" by pure chance. I'm not sure how or why it works but I think it does what you request.

1. Add to preamble (add both since I forget which one is called):

2. Insert the image onto a portrait page with ERT (image needs to be in .pdf format):

\caption{Your caption.}
\label{fig:your label for ref}

3. Run view Pdflatex to produce the .pdf file.

4. Open this file with gsview32 rather than acrobat.

5. Use the File>>Convert option in gsview32 to convert all the .pdf into another pdf (dont ask - i have no idea!)

6. now open the newly saved version in acrobat and the ERT inserted image will be in landscape.

It takes far less time doing than explaining!!

Rob S


R D Saunders Hydraulic Research Group Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of Southampton UK

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