On Wed, 30 Mar 2005, Paul Smith wrote:

The same behaviour, Rich, occurs even if one has previously saved the first
document and the first document can be a non-empty one, i.e., it can be a
long document with, e.g., a minipage open and the cursor inside the open
minipage. Having two documents open simultaneously helps to copy and paste
material from one document to the other.


  Aha! That's a more complete context and it makes sense. I guess that I've
not had an ERT box open in one doc when I've copied text from another open
document so I've not encountered it. I have, however, copied text (or moved
it) from one ERT box to another in the same document and have had no

  So, I accept it's a bug. I was asking because the situation appeared



Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)
<http://www.appl-ecosys.com>   Voice: 503-667-4517   Fax: 503-667-8863

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