On Saturday 23 April 2005 17:24, Steve Litt wrote:

> Pages with a couple graphics print so slowly that the 
printer motor turns off. 
> I assume it's some kind of bandwidth issue or memory 
issue. The graphics it 
> really seems to choke on are the .gif graphics, which are 
only about 15K 
> each. My HP 4050 duplex printer has 24MB installed RAM, 
15MB RAM DISK Storage 
> capacity, 100KB Allocated of 20300 KB available I/O 
buffering, and 0KB 
> allocated of 17300KB available resource saving.
> What this says to me is 3 or 4 15K graphics are NOTHING 
compared to the RAM in 
> this printer, and I'd be hard pressed to imagine them 
saturating a parallel 
> port.


The GIF format does a really good job of compressing 
graphics, and a small GIF file could represent a really 
large image at high resolution.  In the printer the image 
is expanded to an uncompressed raster image.  I've found HP 
laser printers seem to be optimized for text, and 
(particularly Postscript printers) are slow, and often run 
out of memory, with graphics.  Quite often I've found my 
HP1300 (a postscript laser printer) dies after working for 
ten minutes on an image which prints in a couple of minutes 
with an inkjet printer (which uses Ghostscript to send the 
image to the printer a little at a time).  But the HP1300 
runs rings around the inkjet on text.


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