Ekkehart Schlicht wrote:


If I want to view the Lyx file I am working at with  pdflatex,
I always get the message

3 errors detected.
You should try to fix them.

The error messages are
1. LaTeX Error: Something's wrong--perhaps a missing \item.
2. and 3. Extra \else. I'm ignoring this; it doesn't match any \if.

If I omit the bibliography, compilation works fine.

If I export the file as Latex and compile with pdflatex
(4 times), I get the desired output. If I open the lyx file
in Lyx, I can compile nicely as well. It seems to me that
may not use enought runs and does not produce some
auxiliary files that are needed. Is this a bug, or something wrong?

(I am pretty sure that the files as such are o.k. If I split the
lyx file into pieces, each piece can be compiled separately.)

If somebody has an idea, I would appreciate help.

I have put the files on a server:


in case somebody is kind enough to have a look.



I agree it's strange, to the point of being beyond my abilities. I'll post what I discovered here, in case someone smarter can finish the job.

Disclaimers: I had to modify two \newfont commands in your preamble to get LaTeX to find the fonts on my system. I'm pretty sure this has no impact on the problem. Also, my system is monolingual (English), which may bear on things.

I encountered the same problem you did trying to View->DVI from within LyX, but when I exported to a LaTeX file and tried to compile it outside LyX, I encountered the same error messages. In my experience, this type of error is often caused by a defect in the .bib file, so that is where I concentrated.

There are what I believe to be some errors in your .bib file. Some are harmless (I think I recall a closing apostrophe (') without a matching opening one, for instance). Two of your own citations include your e-mail address. I escaped the '@' sign (to '\@') to be safe; I was not sure if BiBTeX would try to interpret the '@' as the start of a record. Also, in a couple of places you connected two authors with 'und' rather than 'and'. On my system, that caused problems, so I changed the conjunction to 'and'.

With that done, I discovered the following:

1. The failure occurs at the top of page 72, which is near the end of the bibliography (page 71 ends with the Nelson citation).

2. If you omit the Polyani citation (which would be the first on page 72), the document compiles (assuming you change 'und' to 'and' as above -- otherwise, at least on my system, the Richter citation causes the problem to reappear).

3. If you change the author name in the Polyani citation to 'Rolyani', so that it appears second on page 72 (after Richter rather than before), the document compiles. So the .bib entry itself would not appear to be defective.

4. Putting Polyani after Nelson and putting something other than Richter after Polyani does not seem to help.

Perhaps there is a spacing problem, either with Polyani following Nelson or with Polyani coming at the top of a page. As I said, this exceeds my understanding of LaTeX; but I do not believe it is a LyX problem.

-- Paul

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