On 31.05.05, Jean-Pierre Chretien wrote:
> >>From: Kevin Pfeiffer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>Jean-Pierre Chretien writes:

> >>I have "~/.lyx/lyxpipe" but the key point is that bibliography tool and 
> >>LyX agree on the path _and_ pipename!
> OK, tkbibtex waits for ~/.lyxpipe.in, and no other place.

A file ~/.tkbibtexrc with the line

   set LyXpipe $env(HOME)/.lyx/lyxpipe

will change this to the "modern" default.

> Sure, the reference that you should type in the layout->Inputs menu is
> <some_path_to_lyxpipe>/.lyxpipe

I'd prefer


(no dot in the basename, if the path is already hidden) with the two most
common cases

  ~/.lyxpipe        (old)
  ~/.lyx/lyxpipe    (new)


G.Milde web.de

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