"Georg Baum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Srinivas Nedunuri wrote:
> > From: "Georg Baum"
> >
> >> Srinivas Nedunuri wrote:
> >>
> >> > I don't really care about the text box.
> >>
> >> But you should, because it makes a big difference.
> > Oh a gotcha! I hate those. Still I've seen several examples of textboxes
> > inside math environments (for example Cases) use to change font, so it
> > surprises me to hear Latex should choke on that
> LaTeX does not choke on text boxes in general. What I said is that it
> a difference whether you put something into a text box or not, because
> basically only text is allowed in text boxes.
> Rext boxes do more than just "change font".
And what I said is that I did not ask for a text box. I don't really care if
Lyx chooses to insert one if thats what it thinks it takes to get the job
done so long as it doesn't choke and die over it. Its just a basic principle
of good UI deisgn. I have no control over what goes into something that I
didn't ask for.

> >> You must have asked for it one way or the other, but you might not know
> > that
> >> you did.
> > I can assure you I didn't :-)
> I don't believe that unless you can prove it.
I'm not sure if there's much more I can do short of telling you what I did
and sending you my lyx file which i already did.

> > If you're saying that I asked for X and got
> > Y well that's another matter altogther. I understand these things happen
> > occasionally even in the best software.
> Then please tell exactly what you did and what you got. If there is a bug
> LyX it should be fixed, but it can't be fixed if nobody knows about it.
I already did. But here it is again - insert a display or eqnarray or an
align or any enclosing math formula. Add an extra row. In the element where
you want a split, increase the environment depth (C-Right), insert a
multline. Use the M-m w i command to add extra rows to it. It all looks OK
on the screen but when you try tdo dvi it, you get the error I mentioned.

> > No matter. I think I figured out a way. You have to use a split
> > environment inside the eqnarray. Unf LyX doesn't seem to provide a split
> It does, but it is an undocumented feature for selected people only :-)
> \split<space> in a math box, and you'll get a split environment with one
> column and one row. You can add columns and rows as usual with M-m c i and
> M-m w i.
Right, just like I said! Insert a Tex command.

Unf. split is not quite what I want either b/c it justifies each row. What I
want is a multiline, which nicely left justifies the first row, centers the
middle one, and right justifies the last, but if your information is
correct, it isn't possible to insert a multiline inside another formula. So
I'm still not particularly happy  :-(


> Georg

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