Toward the beginning of my presentation I made a frame with three items and
pauses between them. The LyX view shows a red bracket along the left margin
and the code reads:

\layout Itemize
How decisions are made.
\begin_deeper \layout Pause \end_deeper \layout Itemize

  I cannot find a "begin_deeper" and "end_deeper" on the drop-box menu. I've
no idea how I put them in there in the first place.

  But, if I make a frame with only two items and a pause, the pdf display has
the first item at the top of the slide and the second item at the bottom of
the slide -- pause or no pause.

  If there is a description in the manual about this I missed it. How, within
LyX, can I put in the "deeper" container, which seems to keep the text in the
middle of the slide?



Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)
<>   Voice: 503-667-4517   Fax: 503-667-8863

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