On  8.06.05, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> >>>>> "G" == G Milde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> G> ... all the lfuns should have some usage doc (telling the
> G> expected arguments).
> docstrings are gone in 1.4.0cvs. They were actually tooltips for the
> toolbar.

Not only. They were also used by Christian to generate the lists of
lfuns in the LyX Wiki.

This list was in turn the base for the file 'lfuns.txt' in my pyLyX
package (http://wiki.lyx.org/Tools/PyClient).  'lfuns.txt' file provides
the base for the wrapping of lfuns into python functions and the
`lyx-bindings` command line tool providing emacs-style help (apropos,
bindings, showkey, whereis) on key-bindings and lfuns.

> They should indeed be replaced by something more useful.

We only need to find out what "something more useful" is. LyX still
comes with the file Reference.lyx, but

   NOTE: this document is, alas, very out of date. It is wrong in many
   places, and omits lots of information about newer versions of LyX.

(I suppose this is why it does no longer turn up in the Help menu.)

IMHO, Reference.lyx should be revived and reorganised.  Also, it should
be auto-generated from a template (similar to the LaTeX Configuration), so
that menu, toolbar, and keyboard bindings were determined from the
actually chosen configuration files. (pyLyX contains a recursive parser
for *.bind files, something similar could be written for *.ui and *.menu.

However, detailed ideas for reviving Reference.lyx might be more
suitable in the lyx-doc list (where I sent a cc of this mail).


G.Milde web.de

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