Rich Shepard wrote:
On Wed, 15 Jun 2005, Paul A. Rubin wrote:

Not entirely sure what's going on here, but let's say you want something akin to the following:

<start of box>Box 1 title
 * Item 1 in box 1
 * Item 2 in box 1
<end of box>
<start of box>Box 2 title
 * Item 3 in box 2
 * Item 4 in box 2
<end of box>


I'm using the block environment, not the box environment, but that's what I

Sorry, my bad, I didn't mean "box" literally, just "displays in a box".

Does this do the trick?

  Yes, it does.

  When I look at the beamerpresentation.lyx file (in lyx, as text, and as
pdflatex I don't see a hard space there but the display is OK without it.
And, the two blocks do not appear simultaneously, either. I'm trying to
understand why my presentation doesn't behave the same way.

You're talking about the frame where the second block unveils the truth that e^{\pi i}=-1? The catch is that they're not both blocks. The first block is a block. The second "block" is an ExampleBlock (which you'll find in the environment drop-down list). There's also an AlertBlock in the environment list. These all display as blocks, but they're formatted differently by default (different colors, anyway). If you put a KindaSortaBlock after a SortaKindaBlock, you don't need any kludges to separate them, because they're different environments (just as you can start an enumerate environment on the heels of an itemize environment without any wizardry). I was assuming from your message that you wanted consecutive blocks with the same color scheme, which does require an intervening non-block environment as a separator.

-- Paul

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