Although my thesis looks nice now with only type 1 fonts, I have few
more questions. Just for curiosity.
As far as I know type1 fonts (such as lmodern) scale just by multiplying
the width and height by the same factor. The CM and EC fonts are scaled
more subtle depending on the size. I assume that the lmodern fonts
look the same as EC modern at all font sizes. How doest that work?
Second one. Do the lmfonts completely cover the EC fonts? From what I
have read, the EC fonts cover many different fonts. Is this also true
for the lmfonts?
I have a colleague who is also writing his thesis. He uses T1 encoding
and the ae package, which means that he has scalable computer modern fonts.
However, when he switches off the ae package, he still has computer
modern fonts, even though he uses T1 encoding. This surprises me, since
I understood that when you use T1, latex uses the EC fonts.
Is this some special trick of MikTeX?
Martijn Brouwer
Martijn Brouwer wrote:
I have finished my PhD thesis (Many thanks to all contributers to LyX).
When I went with my postscript file to the printer we found that the
resolution of the fonts was too small.
It turned out that I had the standard EC bitmap fonts with a resolution
of 600dpi.
After a day playing with latex and dvips I have now five versions of my
1) With low resolution bitmap fonts
2) With higher resolution bitmap fonts (by defining another printer for
3) With scalable CM (bluesky) fonts. For this I had to swith off T1
4) With scalable CM fonts and T1 encoding using the ae package
5) With scalable lmodern fonts
I have a few questions:
With Version 3-5, I cannot use large, bold, smallcaps font. Latex uses
the default font instead. I have worked around it by switching to large
small caps. Is there a way to get this combination of font attributes?
- Am I correct when I say that lmodern is to EC fonts what bluesky is to
- Why is ae considered bad? Because it is a pseudofont that performs
tricks to make accented glyphs?
I have concluded that lmfonts are the way to go. I only found this after
nearly a day searching internet, an experimentning. I think that LyX
should automatically load lmodern whan T1 encoding is used and the fonts
are available.
Martijn Brouwer