Many thanks

I have solved that with the little additional hyperref option.

I now have a further issue. In my book I include an abstract and acknowledgements. These are included in the table of contents using ERT and \addcontentsline.........

However although both appear in the bookmarks, they both link to the same page, ie the first on the comes up. Is there anyway to correct this. WHen I use \pdfbookmark...... I end up with two enteries in the bookmarks which looks horrid. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Uwe Stöhr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Geoffrey Lloyd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 10:48 PM
Subject: Re: Hyperref

Geoffrey Lloyd wrote:

I am using the little hyperref premable from the lyx wiki \usepackage[
pdftoolbar=false]{hyperref} and all works beautifully until I include my front pages.
> I am not quite sure what the issue is but it causes a lot of errors
in lyx.
> My first guess is that is means there are two pages number 1 and so on.

Yes this is the problem. This happens when two pages have internally the same number, mostly when you have a page numbered "III" and one numbered "3". hyperref doesn't know in this case to which page it should set the page anchor for references.

> Has anyone got a way around this particular problem.

Use the following hyperref options:

pdfpagelabels, plainpages=false

> One of the warnings is shown here


pdfTeX warning (ext4): destination with the same identifier (name{page.1}) ha

That LyX shows this error although it is a warning is a bug taht is fixed for the next LyX version (see

regards Uwe

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