Dear Lyxers;

Many thanks to all who have developed LyX and have provided me with help over the past 3-4 yrs. My PhD thesis started life using 1.2.? on a very unstable (it seemed to me anyway ) cygwin environment and rolled off the printer for the final time yesterday after a flawless compile on the Win Ported LyX 1.3.5.

It is now safe with the binders leaving me to graduate this summer one day after my wife (doh) who also expresses similar thanks to the LyX team - (she changed over from using Word to using Lyx 1.3.3 in a week and never looked back).

Once again team,

Many Many thanks

Dr. Rob S

For the record

I used:
Report class out of the box
Natbib from the options found within preferences
Used Apalike style (tweaked to italicise et. al.) but with no other hassle
Pdflatex to export/build
Image formats .pdf, .png, .bmp and .jpg (I never really understood graphics formats)

Lyx 1.2.? to 1.3.5 supported by
and the rest of the bits noted on the wiki page


R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

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