On Sat, Jul 09, 2005 at 01:02:32PM -0700, Stephen P. Harris wrote:
> I changed this pdf format viewer with
> "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Acrobat\acrobat.exe"
> EDit --> Preferences --> modify -->apply -->save
> and it fails to stick using 1.3.6pre (I think 18 or 19) when I reopen Lyx 
> it is
> blank. However it does seem to save acrobat or acrobat.exe without quotes.
> I did not change the folling two at all, is it required?
> "Then do the same for PDF (dvipdfm) and PDF (pdflatex)."

Not required, but useful.  Please note that lyx have three
different ways of generating PDF files.  You can specify
separate viewers for each conversion - for some reason.
Specifying exactly the same viewer in all three cases is
the done thing, donæ't know why the option for
separate viewers exists for what it essentially
the same thing.

The three vays:
1. (export l�atex, run latex, run dvips, convert postscript to pdf)
   This way is the slowest but most common.  You need a ps to
   pdf converter, in addition to latex itself.  This way is
   probably common because:
    a) it is the first alternative
    b) it uses exactly the same software as the "file->print" menu.

2. (export latex, run latex, convert dvi to pdf directly using "dvipdfm")
   Slightly faster because it skips one step.  You need dvipdfm in
   addition to latex itself.

3. (export latex, run pdflatex which produce a pdf directly from
   the latex file.)  This is substantially faster than the two other
   ways.  You need the pdflatex program, which exists in most
   latex distributions.

Why have three ways?  Some people prefer one, some another.
Some people don't have all of them.
Extra latex fonts and images may be handled in different ways.
If you have problems producing a pdf one way - try another and
it might work out better.  "dvipdfm" caused problems for me,
I got a pdf that wouldn�'t load in the acroread on windows!

Helge Hafting

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